

谷歌中国后院起火, 铁杆粉丝公堂对簿

5月22日,来自上海的站长小龙将Google Inc.告上法庭。指控Google Adsense的无效点击(fraud click)判断和处理方式严重侵犯了广告发布者的权益,随后记者从上海市第一中级人民法院确认了该消息。

Google Adsense是Google对网站主提供的广告计划,也是Google全球收益的重要来源,站长通过在自己的站点上投放Google提供的广告以分得部分广告佣金。Google Adsense是中国个人站长甚至部分门户网站投放广告的主要选择之一,在中国的网络广告中占有相当的份额。

原告小龙是"广告发布者论坛"Google Adsense栏目的版主,他一直参与Google产品的简体中文本地化,所以对Google Adsense有相当深刻的了解。他也是中国大陆比较早参与Google Adsense计划的广告发布者,一个非常积极的发布者、Google Adsense的支持者和推广者。

小龙之所以提起关于无效点击的诉讼,是因为他发现Google Adsense的无效点击判断和处理方式已经严重偏离了正常范围,直接影响到了广大发布者的广告收入。有发布者账号被停止,理由是无效点击;有发布者收入被调整,理由是无效点击;有发布者广告平均单价越来越低,原因是很多点击被认为是无效的收入被过滤。


和目前网上流传的Google骗局的传闻相比,小龙对Google Adsense有着自己的看法。虽然数十页的起诉材料里引用了很多其他媒体的负面报道作为参考材料,但是小龙依然认为Google Adsense是一个好的广告计划,是站长投放广告比较好的选择。只是Google Adsense对有些问题的处理方式需要有所改变,让它更加适应中国的市场环境,更重要的是Google得具备起码的合作态度,在公平的立场上和广告发布者协商并解决争议。



上海市第一中级人民法院的法官乔林半开玩笑地说:“这倒像是一个公益的诉讼,对合同条款约定效力失效的认定和无效点击的诉讼流程烦琐而复杂,不过一旦开始了就可以为以后其他的发布者提起新的诉讼提供帮助,即使不能发起诉讼至少可以促进Google Adsense做出相应有利于发布者的改革。”

小龙说,这是作为一个发布者最后的选择,在无效点击开始困扰广告发布者的时候,我就已经开始和Google Adsense美国和中国的服务小组在沟通,不过很遗憾看不出他们有任何认真对待这个问题的诚意。并且在提交诉讼之前我花了很多时间和多个律师沟通,包括中国上海和美国加州的律师事务所,所以不排除同时发起集体诉讼的可能。






1、条约名称:旧金山和约,对日和约,Treaty of Peace with Japan
  2、与会国包括 Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Bolivia, Brazil, Cambodia, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Czechoslovakia, Dominica, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Ethiopia, France, Greece, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Laos, Lebanon, Liberia, Luxemburg, Mexico, The Netherlands, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Norway, Pakistan, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, The Philippines, Poland, Saudi Arabia, the Soviet Union, Sri Lanka, South Africa, Syria, Turkey, the United Kingdom, the United States, Uruguay, Venezuela, Vietnam, and Japan.
  4、Czechoslovakia, Poland, and the Soviet Union三国拒绝在条约上签字。条约于1951年签署,1952年生效。中华民国代表中国与日本在1952年签署台北条约,承认旧金山条约的条款。
  6、条约11款宣布日本接受远东国际军事法庭以及其他同盟国家战争罪行法庭的判决,无论该等法庭是否位于日本国内。该款原文如下:Article 11 Japan accepts the judgments of the International Military Tribunal for the Far East and of other Allied War Crimes Courts both within and outside Japan, and will carry out the sentences imposed thereby upon Japanese nationals imprisoned in Japan. The power to grant clemency, to reduce sentences and to parole with respect to such prisoners may not be exercised except on the decision of the Government or Governments which imposed the sentence in each instance, and on recommendation of Japan. In the case of persons sentenced by the International Military Tribunal for the Far East, such power may not be exercised except on the decision of a majority of the Governments represented on the Tribunal, and on the recommendation of Japan.
  9、条约第10款宣布,日本放弃所有对华特权和在华利益。Japan renounces all special rights and interests in China, including all benefits and privileges resulting from the provisions of the final Protocol signed at Peking on 7 September 1901, and all annexes, notes and documents supplementary thereto, and agrees to the abrogation in respect to Japan of the said protocol, annexes, notes and documents.
  10、条约第14(a)款宣布,日本应对同盟国家做出战争赔偿,但考虑到日本政府的财力,暂予宽缓。(a) It is recognized that Japan should pay reparations to the Allied Powers for the damage and suffering caused by it during the war. Nevertheless it is also recognized that the resources of Japan are not presently sufficient, if it is to maintain a viable economy, to make complete reparation for all such damage and suffering and at the same time meet its other obligations.
  12、台北条约宣布为条约之目的,仅适用于台湾和澎湖的中国国籍人士。但在换文之中,条约宣布适用于中华民国政府现在及将来可能控制的地区,这可以被理解为台北条约可能适用于中国大陆,也即旧金山和约可能适用于中国大陆。In regard to the Treaty of Peace between Japan and the Republic of China signed this day, I have the honor to refer, on behalf of my Government, to the understanding reached between us that the terms of the present Treaty shall, in respect of the Republic of China, be applicable to all the territories which are now, or which may hereafter be, under the control of its Government.
  13、1972年的《日本国政府和中华人民共和国政府联合声明》未涉及旧金山条约和台北条约。但 1972年,中日建交谈判中,迫于北京政府的压力,日本首相宣布废除台北条约。这一单方声明是否有效,时有争议。中日联合声明:“(五)中华人民共和国政府宣布:为了中日两国人民的友好,放弃对日本国的战争赔偿要求。”这项承诺当然具有法律效力。
  21、交战国之间,存在简单的规则:might is right,据此,战败国不能向战胜国提出任何主张,除非条约另有规定。
  24、必须指出,如果中国政府的措辞是:放弃中国政府和人民对日本政府的所有赔偿请求权,答案可能不同。因为这种措辞prima facie给予一种政府已经获得授权的效果。
  26、结论:1)战争产生的法律责任首先是单向的,即战败国对战胜国的赔偿责任。 2)这种责任分为:政府对政府的赔偿;政府对私人的赔偿;私个体对私人体的赔偿。3)在后两种责任,如无明确授权及明确措辞,不能认为赔偿请求权已被放弃。4)关于证据问题,依然受一般法律规则限制。5)时效在出于保护人权或者特别情事下可被突破,但突破时效是例外,而非常态。
  31、更进一步,在以往的历史中,任何因为军事征服产生的政府,均因接受而合法。蒙元对于中原是如此,清对于明是如此。如果日本侵华时间足够长,人民接受其统治事实的话,伪政府同样会转化为合法统治。反过来, 盟军(美军)对日本的统治行为,也因为日本人的普遍接受而合法。
  32、多年以来,这个问题一直困扰我,今天算是有了答案:might is right.或曰:接受即合法。
  33、a fortiori,在其各自治内,中华人民共和国政府和中华民国政府都是合法政府,同时合法,当然合法。



第 982 条 结婚,应以书面为之,有二人以上证人之签名,并应由双方当事人向户政机关为结婚之登记。

第 988 条 结婚有下列情形之一者,无效:

第 988-1条 前条第三款但书之情形,前婚姻自后婚姻成立之日起视为消灭。

第1030-1条 法定财产制关系消灭时,夫或妻现存之婚后财产,扣除婚姻关系存续所负债务后,如有剩余,其双方剩余财产之差额,应平均分配。但下列财产不在此限:

第 1052 条 夫妻之一方,有下列情形之一者,他方得向法院请求离婚:

第 1059 条 父母于子女出生登记前,应以书面约定子女从父姓或母姓。

第1059-1条 非婚生子女从母姓。经生父认领者,适用前条第二项至第四项之规定。

第 1062 条 从子女出生日回溯第一百八十一日起至第三百零二日止,为受胎期间。

第 1063 条 妻之受胎,系在婚姻关系存续中者,推定其所生子女为婚生子女。

第 1067 条 有事实足认其为非婚生子女之生父者,非婚生子女或其生母或其它法定代理人,得向生父提起认领之诉。

第 1068 条 (删除)

第 1070 条 生父认领非婚生子女后,不得撤销其认领。但有事实足认其非生父者,不在此限。

第 1073 条 收养者之年龄,应长于被收养者二十岁以上。但夫妻共同收养时,夫妻之一方长于被收养者二十岁以上,而他方仅长于被收养者十六岁以上,亦得收养。

第1073-1条 下列亲属不得收养为养子女:

第 1074 条 夫妻收养子女时,应共同为之。但有下列各款情形之一者,得单独收养:

第 1075 条 除夫妻共同收养外,一人不得同时为二人之养子女。

第 1076 条 夫妻之一方被收养时,应得他方之同意。但他方不能为意思表示或生死不明已逾三年者,不在此限。

第1076-1条 子女被收养时,应得其父母之同意。但有下列各款情形之一者,不在此限:

第1076-2条 被收养者未满七岁时,应由其法定代理人代为并代受意思表示。

第 1077 条 养子女与养父母及其亲属间之关系,除法律另有规定外,与婚生子女同。

第 1078 条 养子女从收养者之姓或维持原来之姓。

第 1079 条 收养应以书面为之,并向法院声请认可。

第1079-1条 法院为未成年人被收养之认可时,应依养子女最佳利益为之。

第1079-2条 被收养者为成年人而有下列各款情形之一者,法院应不予收养之认可:

第1079-3条 收养自法院认可裁定确定时,溯及于收养契约成立时发生效力。但第三人

第1079-4条 收养子女,违反第一千零七十三条、第一千零七十三条之一、第一千零七十五条、第一千零七十六条之一、第一千零七十六条之二第一项或第一千零七十九条第一项之规定者,无效。

第1079-5条 收养子女,违反第一千零七十四条之规定者,收养者之配偶得请求法院撤销之。但自知悉其事实之日起,已逾六个月,或自法院认可之日起已逾一年者,不得请求撤销。

第 1080 条 养父母与养子女之关系,得由双方合意终止之。

第1080-1条 养父母死亡后,养子女得声请法院许可终止收养。

第1080-2条 终止收养,违反第一千零八十条第二项、第五项或第一千零八十条之一第二项规定者,无效。

第1080-3条 终止收养,违反第一千零八十条第七项之规定者,终止收养者之配偶得请求法院撤销之。但自知悉其事实之日起,已逾六个月,或自法院认可之日起已逾一年者,不得请求撤销。

第 1081 条 养父母、养子女之一方,有下列各款情形之一者,法院得依他方、主管机关或利害关系人之请求,宣告终止其收养关系:

第 1082 条 因收养关系终止而生活陷于困难者,得请求他方给与相当之金额。但其请求显失公平者,得减轻或免除之。

第 1083 条 养子女及收养效力所及之直系血亲卑亲属,自收养关系终止时起,回复其本姓,并回复其与本生父母及其亲属间之权利义务。但第三人已取得之权利,不受影响。

第1083-1条 法院依第一千零五十九条第五项、第一千零五十九条之一第二项、第一千零七十八条第三项、第一千零七十九条之一、第一千零八十条第三项或第一千零八十一条第二项规定为裁判时,准用第一千零五十五条之一之规定。

第 1086 条 父母为其未成年子女之法定代理人。

第1089-1条 父母不继续共同生活达六个月以上时,关于未成年子女权利义务之行使或负担,准用第一千零五十五条、第一千零五十五条之一及第一千零五十五条之二之规定。但父母有不能同居之正当理由或法律另有规定者,不在此限。

第 1090 条 父母之一方滥用其对于子女之权利时,法院得依他方、未成年子女、主管机关、社会福利机构或其它利害关系人之请求或依职权,为子女之利益,宣告停止其权利之全部或一部。


CARRIAGE BY LAND — International carriage of goods by road — Limitation of liability — Packages exceeding contractual limit on value carried from England to Netherlands — Goods failing to arrive — Whether valid contract for carriage — Whether limitation on liability applying — Carriage of Goods by Road Act 1965, Sch 1

Datec Electronics Holdings Ltd v United Parcels Services Ltd [2007] UKHL 23

HL(E): Lord Hoffmann, Lord Hope of Craighead, Lord Walker of Gestingthorpe, Lord Mance and Lord Neuberger of Abbotsbury: 16 May 2007

When a carrier who operated a parcels delivery service accepted packages for transportation by road to another country, and the undertaking to transport was performed to any extent, then there was a contract of carriage even if the carrier had unknowingly accepted packages which did not conform to its terms and conditions of carriage, and therefore the Convention on the Contract for the International Carriage of Goods by Road, scheduled to the Carriage of Goods by Road Act 1965, applied.

The House of Lords so held, dismissing an appeal by the defendants, United Parcels Services Ltd, (“UPS”) from a decision of the Court of Appeal (Brooke, Sedley and Richards LJJ) [2006] 1 Lloyd’s Rep 279 allowing an appeal by the claimants, Datec Electronics Ltd and Incoparts BV, and dismissing the defendants’ cross-appeal from a decision of Andrew Smith J [2005] 1 Lloyd’s Rep 470 giving judgment for the claimants in their action for damages for the loss of a consignment of computer processors which should have been carried by the defendants by road from the United Kingdom, via Germany to Amsterdam, but limiting the damages recoverable pursuant to art 23 of the Convention.

LORD MANCE said that Datec handed over to UPS, a parcel delivery service, three packages for delivery to the second claimant’s agents’ address in Amsterdam. UPS took the packages by air to Cologne, and from there by road to UPS’s premises in Amsterdam, but were they never delivered to the addressees. The leg between Cologne and Amsterdam was international carriage within the potential scope of the Convention. Datec claimed that the Convention applied to that leg, that UPS were liable for the loss of the packages during that leg under art 17(2) and that the probable cause of loss was wilful misconduct by UPS or its agents or servants within art 29, thus displacing the limitation of liability otherwise available to the carrier under art 23(3). UPS relied in response on their standard terms and conditions which were incorporated in an agreement with Datec to regulate their frequent dealings. Under those conditions UPS sought to ensure that it did not carry any individual package worth more than US$50,000. The three packages each had a value well in excess of that limit. UPS’s case was that there never was any contract for carriage relating to the three packages. His Lordship said he had come to the conclusion that the courts below were correct and would adopt the reasons given by the judge, namely that the UPS terms expressly explained the consequences of the shipper presenting packages that did not meet UPS’s restrictions and conditions, that it did not state that there would be no contract of carriage if such a package was presented and accepted; on the contrary, it provided that the effect of the shipper presenting a package that did not meet the restrictions was that UPS had the right to refuse to carry it, or, if carriage was in progress, to suspend carriage. The implication was that unless and until UPS exercised their right, there was a contract that UPS would carry the package. Therefore the Convention applied to the carriage of the three packages. On the factual issue of wilful misconduct by the defendant or its servants or agents, his Lordship found the Court of Appeal’s reasons for reversing the judge compelling, and shared the view that theft involving a UPS employee was shown on a strong balance of probability to have been the cause of the loss.


LORD HOPE and LORD WALKER delivered speeches agreeing with LORD MANCE.

Appearances: Julian Flaux QC and Charles Priday (Barlow Lyde & Gilbert) for the defendants; Matthew Reeve and Emmett Coldrick (Clyde & Co) for the claimants.

Reported by: Shirani Herbert, barrister


CRIME — Sexual offences — Attempt to cause or incite child under 13 to engage in sexual activity — Entrapment — Undercover police officer posing as child — Defendant inciting police officer to sexual activity — Whether substantive offence requiring incitement of identifiable child — Whether defendant entrapped into committing offence — Sexual Offences Act 2003 (c 42), s 8

R v Jones [2007] EWCA Crim 1118

CA: Thomas LJ, Penry-Davey and Wyn Williams JJ: 15 May 2007

The offence of intentionally causing or inciting a child under 13 to engage in sexual activity contrary to s 8 of the Sexual Offences Act 2003 could be committed by a person even though it was not possible to identify any specific or identifiable child to whom the incitement was addressed.

The Court of Appeal (Criminal Division) so held when dismissing an appeal by the defendant, Ian Anthony Jones, against his conviction, following a guilty plea, on 25 April 2006 by the Crown Court at Lewes (Judge Niblett) for attempting to intentionally cause or incite a child to engage in sexual activity in contravention of s 8 of the 2003 Act, contrary to s 1(1) of the Criminal Attempts Act 1981.

S 8 of the 2003 Act provides: “(1) A person commits an offence if—(a) he intentionally causes or incites another person (B) to engage in an activity, (b) the activity is sexual, and (c) B is under 13.”

The defendant wrote graffiti on train and station toilets seeking girls aged 8 to 13 for sex in return for payment, requesting contact via his mobile telephone number. Following a complaint, the police began an undercover operation using an officer pretending to be aged 12. The defendant was charged, inter alia, with attempting to incite her to sexual activity. At trial the defendant applied to stay the proceedings as an abuse of process on the grounds that he had been entrapped into committing the offence, and the charge disclosed no offence known to law, because the defendant did not intend to incite any actual person under the age of 13 and therefore could not have had the requisite intent.

THOMAS LJ, giving the judgment of the court, said that the offence under s 8 of the 2003 Act did not require incitement of an identified or identifiable child. The criminality at which the offence was directed was the incitement. It mattered not that this was directed at a particular child, a very large group of children or whether they could be identified or not. There was no significance in the use of the term “another” in s 8 as opposed to “any other”; they meant the same. The offence could be committed by someone who, with requisite intention, made a statement which in specific terms directly incited a child or children. Therefore the offence could have been charged without identifying a particular person, and it could not be said that the police created the offence. The police did not instigate the offence and did no more than merely provide the opportunity for the defendant to attempt to commit an offence similar to one he had attempted earlier, and provide the evidence necessary for a conviction. The defendant’s acts were more than merely preparatory and done with the intention of committing the offence. The fact that commission of the actual offence was on the true facts impossible because the police substituted an adult for a child did not mean that there was a defence in law to the charge.

Appearances: Jeffrey Lamb (assigned by the Registrar of Criminal Appeals) for the defendant; Christine Laing QC and Henrietta Paget (Crown Prosecution Service, Sussex) for the Crown.

Reported by: Sharene P Dewan-Leeson, Barrister










  第一条 明知是盗窃、抢劫、诈骗、抢夺的机动车,实施下列行为之一的,依照刑法第三百一十二条的规定,以掩饰、隐瞒犯罪所得、犯罪所得收益罪定罪,处三年以下有期徒刑、拘役或者管制,并处或者单处罚金:








  第二条 伪造、变造、买卖机动车行驶证、登记证书,累计三本以上的,依照刑法第二百八十条第一款的规定,以伪造、变造、买卖国家机关证件罪定罪,处三年以下有期徒刑、拘役、管制或者剥夺政治权利。


  第三条 国家机关工作人员滥用职权,有下列情形之一,致使盗窃、抢劫、诈骗、抢夺的机动车被办理登记手续,数量达到三辆以上或者价值总额达到三十万元以上的,依照刑法第三百九十七条第一款的规定,以滥用职权罪定罪,处三年以下有期徒刑或者拘役:








  第四条 实施本解释第一条、第二条、第三条第一款或者第三款规定的行为,事前与盗窃、抢劫、诈骗、抢夺机动车的犯罪分子通谋的,以盗窃罪、抢劫罪、诈骗罪、抢夺罪的共犯论处。

  第五条 对跨地区实施的涉及同一机动车的盗窃、抢劫、诈骗、抢夺以及掩饰、隐瞒犯罪所得、犯罪所得收益行为,有关公安机关可以依照法律和有关规定一并立案侦查,需要提请批准逮捕、移送审查起诉、提起公诉的,由该公安机关所在地的同级人民检察院、人民法院受理。

  第六条 行为人实施本解释第一条、第三条第三款规定的行为,涉及的机动车有下列情形之一的,应当认定行为人主观上属于上述条款所称“明知”:





TORT — Cause of action — Procuring breach of contract — Whether intention to cause loss ingredient of tort

OBG Ltd and others v Allan and others; Douglas and another v Hello! Ltd and others; Mainstream Properties Ltd v Young and others [2007] UKHL 21

HL(E): Lord Nicholls of Birkenhead, Lord Hoffmann, Lord Walker of Gestingthorpe, Baroness Hale of Richmond and Lord Brown of Eaton-under-Heywood: 2 May 2007

Causing loss by unlawful means and inducing breach of contract should be treated as two independent economic torts each with its own conditions for liability.

The House of Lords so held when: (1) dismissing an appeal (Lord Nicholls and Baroness Hale dissenting) by the claimants, OBG Ltd and OBG (Plant and Transport Hire) Ltd, from a decision of the Court of Appeal [2005] QB 762 allowing an appeal by the defendants, Iain John Allan, Michael Francis Stevenson, Raymond International Ltd (formerly Raymond Centriline Ltd) and Penningtons, and dismissing the claimants’ cross-appeal from a decision of Judge Maddox sitting as a judge of the Chancery Division in Manchester on 24 February 2004 giving judgment for the claimants in the sum of £1,854,000 plus interest in their claim against the defendants for wrongful interference with contractual relations, but dismissing the claimants’ claim for conversion; (2) allowing the appeal (Lord Nicholls and Lord Walker dissenting) of Northern & Shell plc, publishers of “OK !” magazine, from a decision of the Court of Appeal [2006] QB 125 allowing an appeal by Hello! Ltd from decisions of Lindsay J on 11 April 2003 and 7 November 2003 awarding the publishers of OK! damages against Hello! Ltd of £1,026,706 for loss of profit from the exploitation of unauthorised photographs of the wedding of Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta-Jones; (3) dismissing an appeal by the claimant, Mainstream Properties Ltd, from a decision of the Court of Appeal [2005] IRLR 964 dismissing the claimant’s appeal from a decision of Judge Norris QC sitting as a deputy judge of the Chancery Division at Birmingham District Registry on 10 September 2004, dismissing a claim for damages against the sixth defendant, Joseph De Winter, for damages for inducing a breach by the first defendant, Paul Colin Young and the second defendant, Jeffrey William Broad, of their contracts with the claimant.

LORD HOFFMANN said that liability for inducing breach of contract was established by the case of Lumley v Gye (1853) 2 E & B 216, based on the general principle that a person who procured another to commit a wrong incurred liability as an accessory. The important point to bear in mind about Lumley v Gye was that the person procuring the breach of contract was held liable as accessory to the liability of the contracting party. Liability depended upon the contracting party having committed an actionable wrong. The tort of causing loss by unlawful means had a different history and there was no other wrong for which the defendant was liable as accessory. Although the immediate cause of the loss was the decision of a potential customer or trader to submit to a threat and not buy or sell goods, he thereby committed no wrong. The defendant’s liability was primary, for intentionally causing the plaintiff loss by unlawfully interfering with the liberty of others. The Law Lords who formed the majority in Allen v Flood [1898] AC 1 showed a clear recognition that Lumley v Gye and causing loss by unlawful means were separate torts each with its own conditions for liability. However the unified theory was adopted by the Court of Appeal in D C Thomson & Co Ltd v Deakin [1952] Ch 646 by treating procuring breach of contract, the old Lumley v Gye tort, as one species of a more general tort of actionable interference with contractual rights. In his Lordship’s opinion it was time for the unnatural union between the Lumley v Gye tort and the tort of causing loss by unlawful means to be dissolved. They should be restored to the independence which they enjoyed at the time of Allen v Flood. In the Lumley v Gye tort there must be an intention to procure a breach of contract. In the unlawful means tort there must be an intention to cause loss. The ends which must have been intended were different. One might intend to procure a breach of contract without intending to cause loss. Likewise, one might intend to cause loss without intending to procure a breach of contract. In both cases it was necessary to distinguish between ends, means and consequences. One intended to cause loss even though it was the means by which one achieved the end of enriching oneself. On the other hand, one was not liable for loss which was neither a desired end nor a means of attaining it but merely a foreseeable consequence of one’s actions.

On the judge’s finding in Mainstream Properties Ltd v Young, Mr De Winter honestly believed that assisting Mr Young and Mr Broad with the joint venture would not involve them in the commission of breaches of contract. Nor could Mr De Winter be said to have been indifferent to whether there was a breach of contract or not, or made a conscious decision not to inquire in case he discovered a disagreeable truth. He therefore did not intend to cause a breach of contract nor was there any question of his having caused loss by unlawful means.

In OBG Ltd v Allan it was plain and obvious that the requirements for liability under neither the Lumley v Gye tort nor the tort of causing loss by unlawful means were satisfied. There was no breach or non-performance of any contract and therefore no wrong to which accessory liability could attach. And the defendants neither employed unlawful means nor intended to cause OBG any loss. As to the claim for conversion, the whole of the statutory modification of the law of conversion had been on the assumption that it applied only to chattels and not to choses in action. It would be an extraordinary step to extend the old tort of conversion to impose strict liability for pure economic loss on receivers who were appointed and acted in good faith.

In Douglas v Hello! Ltd the judge held that the three well known criteria for liability for breach of confidence were satisfied: (1) the information itself must have the necessary quality of confidence about it; (2) the information must have been imparted in circumstances importing an obligation of confidence; and (3) there must be an unauthorised use of that information to the detriment of the party communicating it. In his Lordship’s the judge was right. The point of which one should never lose sight was that OK! had paid £1m for the benefit of the obligation of confidence imposed upon all those present at the wedding in respect of any photographs of the wedding. Unless there was some conceptual or policy reason why they should not have the benefit of that obligation there was no reason why they were not entitled to enforce it. In his Lordship’s opinion there was no such reason.

LORD NICHOLLS delivered a speech dismissing the appeal in Mainstream Properties v Young, allowing the appeal in OBG Ltd v Allan on the ground that the receivers committed the tort of conversion by their wrongful misappropriation of OBG’s debts and contractual rights, and dismissing the appeal in Douglas v Hello! Ltd.

LORD WALKER delivered a speech dismissing all three appeals.

BARONESS HALE delivered a speech dismissing the appeals in Mainstream Properties Ltd v Young and Douglas v Hello! Ltd and agreeing with Lord Nicholls in allowing the appeal in OBG Ltd v Allan on the ground of conversion.

LORD BROWN delivered a speech agreeing with Lord Hoffmann.

Appearances: John Randall QC, Alistair Wyvill and Marc Brown (Hammonds, Leeds) for the claimants in the OBG case; Gregory Mitchell QC and Paul Greenwood (Reynolds Porer Chamberlain) for the defendants in the OBG case; Richard Millett QC, Richard Slowe, solicitor, and Paul Stanley (S J Berwin) for Northern & Shell plc; James Price QC and Giles Fernando (M Law) for Hello! Ltd; John Randall QC and John De Waal (Smith Partnership, Derby) for Mainstream Properties Ltd; Gordon Pollock QC and Barry Isaacs (Leigh Davis) for Mr De Winter.

Reported by: Shirani Herbert, barrister



1、条约名称:旧金山和约,对日和约,Treaty of Peace with Japan
2、与会国包括 Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Bolivia, Brazil, Cambodia, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Czechoslovakia, Dominica, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Ethiopia, France, Greece, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Laos, Lebanon, Liberia, Luxemburg, Mexico, The Netherlands, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Norway, Pakistan, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, The Philippines, Poland, Saudi Arabia, the Soviet Union, Sri Lanka, South Africa, Syria, Turkey, the United Kingdom, the United States, Uruguay, Venezuela, Vietnam, and Japan.
4、Czechoslovakia, Poland, and the Soviet Union三国拒绝在条约上签字。条约于1951年签署,1952年生效。中华民国代表中国与日本在1952年签署台北条约,承认旧金山条约的条款。
6、条约11款宣布日本接受远东国际军事法庭以及其他同盟国家战争罪行法庭的判决,无论该等法庭是否位于日本国内。该款原文如下:Article 11 Japan accepts the judgments of the International Military Tribunal for the Far East and of other Allied War Crimes Courts both within and outside Japan, and will carry out the sentences imposed thereby upon Japanese nationals imprisoned in Japan. The power to grant clemency, to reduce sentences and to parole with respect to such prisoners may not be exercised except on the decision of the Government or Governments which imposed the sentence in each instance, and on recommendation of Japan. In the case of persons sentenced by the International Military Tribunal for the Far East, such power may not be exercised except on the decision of a majority of the Governments represented on the Tribunal, and on the recommendation of Japan.
9、条约第10款宣布,日本放弃所有对华特权和在华利益。Japan renounces all special rights and interests in China, including all benefits and privileges resulting from the provisions of the final Protocol signed at Peking on 7 September 1901, and all annexes, notes and documents supplementary thereto, and agrees to the abrogation in respect to Japan of the said protocol, annexes, notes and documents.

10、条约第14(a)款宣布,日本应对同盟国家做出战争赔偿,但考虑到日本政府的财力,暂予宽缓。(a) It is recognized that Japan should pay reparations to the Allied Powers for the damage and suffering caused by it during the war. Nevertheless it is also recognized that the resources of Japan are not presently sufficient, if it is to maintain a viable economy, to make complete reparation for all such damage and suffering and at the same time meet its other obligations.
12、台北条约宣布为条约之目的,仅适用于台湾和澎湖的中国国籍人士。但在换文之中,条约宣布适用于中华民国政府现在及将来可能控制的地区,这可以被理解为台北条约可能适用于中国大陆,也即旧金山和约可能适用于中国大陆。In regard to the Treaty of Peace between Japan and the Republic of China signed this day, I have the honor to refer, on behalf of my Government, to the understanding reached between us that the terms of the present Treaty shall, in respect of the Republic of China, be applicable to all the territories which are now, or which may hereafter be, under the control of its Government.
13、1972年的《日本国政府和中华人民共和国政府联合声明》未涉及旧金山条约和台北条约。但 1972年,中日建交谈判中,迫于北京政府的压力,日本首相宣布废除台北条约。这一单方声明是否有效,时有争议。中日联合声明:“(五)中华人民共和国政府宣布:为了中日两国人民的友好,放弃对日本国的战争赔偿要求。”这项承诺当然具有法律效力。

21、交战国之间,存在简单的规则:might is right,据此,战败国不能向战胜国提出任何主张,除非条约另有规定。
24、必须指出,如果中国政府的措辞是:放弃中国政府和人民对日本政府的所有赔偿请求权,答案可能不同。因为这种措辞prima facie给予一种政府已经获得授权的效果。
26、结论:1)战争产生的法律责任首先是单向的,即战败国对战胜国的赔偿责任。 2)这种责任分为:政府对政府的赔偿;政府对私人的赔偿;私个体对私人体的赔偿。3)在后两种责任,如无明确授权及明确措辞,不能认为赔偿请求权已被放弃。4)关于证据问题,依然受一般法律规则限制。5)时效在出于保护人权或者特别情事下可被突破,但突破时效是例外,而非常态。





